NUJNO OBVESTILO – Odpoved predavanj in vaj na UP (9. marec – 20. marec) / IMPORTANT NOTICE – Cancellation of pedagogical processes at UP (March 9 – March 20)

Glede na trenutno situacijo v zvezi z novim koronavirusom vam sporočamo, da je za naslednjih 14 dni (od ponedeljka, 9. 3. 2020 do petka, 20. 3. 2020) odpovedan pedagoški proces (predavanja, vaje, …) na vseh članicah Univerze na Primorskem. O nadomeščanju odpadlega pedagoškega procesa vas bomo naknadno obvestili.

Navodila resornega ministrstva, NIJZ in Ministrstva za zdravje RS so, da je potrebno delovati preventivno in ukrepe, ki jih sprejme določena institucija, sorazmerno prilagajati situaciji.
Po tem, ko smo proučili informacije s strani vseh navedenih institucij ter, ob dejstvu, da je Italija največje žarišče koronavirusa v Evropi, tudi s strani predstavnikov vodstva “Istituto Superiore di Sanità” (ekvivalent NIJZ v RS), smo se odločili za ta ukrep iz preventivnih razlogov. Smo namreč univerza, ki ima vsakodnevno interakcijo s sosednjo Italijo.

V prihodnjih dneh boste dobili nadaljnja navodila tudi glede možnosti izvajanja pedagoškega procesa na daljavo (npr. uporaba e-učilnice, predavanja na daljavo, …).

Prav tako pa vas bomo sproti obveščali o morebitnih nadaljnjih spremembah oz. ukrepih.

In view of the current situation regarding the coronavirus COVID-19, we would like to inform you that for the next 14 days (from Monday, March 9, 2020 to Friday, March 20, 2020), the pedagogical processes (lectures, tutorials, …) at the University of Primorska are canceled. We will keep you informed regarding a replacement the failed pedagogical process.

The instructions from Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, National Institute for Public Health, and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia state that it is necessary to act preventively and to adjust the measures taken by a particular institution to the situation. After examining the information from all the above institutions, and that of Italy’s “Istituto Superiore di Sanita dell ‘Italia” (NIJZ equivalent in the Republic of Slovenia) considering the fact that Italy is the largest focal point of COVID-19 in Europe, the above measures have been taken for preventive reasons. Our university interacts daily with neighboring Italy.

In the coming days, you will also receive further instructions for continuing classes at a distance (for example, using e-classrooms, distance lectures, …).

We will keep you informed of any further changes or measures.

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