ŠOUPijada – Vabilo – Invitation

Mednarodni resor Študentske organizacije Univerze na Primorskem pripravlja ŠOUPijado, nov dogodek namenjen druženju domačih in tujih študentov.
Na prvem večeru ŠOUPijade, ki bo v torek, 19. 3. 2019, ob 20. uri v restavraciji Emonec, se bo predstavilo Folklorno društvo Vuk Karadžić iz Radovljice in tuji študenti na izmenjavi ali rednem študiju na primorski univerzi.
Prijave na dogodek potekajo na Info točki ŠOUP v Kopru in ŠOUPostaji Turistica v Portorožu, kjer je možna prijava z vplačilom kotizacije za dogodek v znesku 10 € od 4. do 15. marca 2019. Kotizacija vključuje avtobusni prevoz Portorož-Koper-Portorož, hrano ter pijačo, ki bo na voljo na dogodku.

Študenti, predstavite se!

Tuje študente vabimo, da se prijavijo na predstavitev svoje države. Prijave na predstavitev zbiramo na elektronski naslov mednarodno@soup.si.

Facebook dogodek: Klik


On March 19th the International department of the Student organization of the University of Primorska is preparing a cultural event ŠOUPijada.
The first evening of ŠOUPijada will be held on Tuesday, March 19 at 8 pm at the Emonec restaurant. In the first part of the evening the Folklore Society Vuk Karadžić will present their show, on the second part all foreign students are invited to present their country.
Applications for the event is possible at the ŠOUP Koper and Portorož Info Point, where registration can be made in the amount of € 10 from March 4 to March 15, 2019. The registration fee includes bus transportation Portorož-Koper-Portorož, food and drink, available at the event.

Students, introduce yourselves!

Foreign students are invited to apply for a presentation of their countries to e-mail mednarodno@soup.si.
Facebook Event: Click

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