Oddelek za biodiverziteto UP FAMNIT vabi na
tretji letošnji Famnitov biološki večer z naslovom
»The wild boar, it’s complicated«,
ki bo v sredo, 13. 3. 2019, ob 19.00,
v Veliki predavalnici 1 (VP1) na Glagoljaški 8.
Predavala bo dr. Laura Iacolina, predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku.
This time we’ll see what are the characteristics and the human interests that make wild boar such a controversial species. We’ll see what makes it an important species in the ecosystem and how high densities can disrupt ecological equilibrium. At the same time, we’ll address human interests and activities and how they influence the management and perception of wild boar.
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About the lecturer:
Dr. Laura Iacolina main long term topics of interest are Conservation, Population and Evolutionary Genetics/Genomics. She is also interested in directional hybridization patterns and the investigation of the possible Evolutionary implications of the gene flow of human selected genes into wild populations. Recently, her research additionally included the identification of genes under selection for disease resistance, the implementation of Population Genetics data in the understanding and contingency of disease spread and the use of eDNA to understand feeding strategies, food preferences and inter species competition. During her career she worked mostly with vertebrate species, either of conservation (e.g. wolf) or management (e.g. wild boar) concern.