Oddelek za biodiverziteto UP FAMNIT vabi na
drugi letošnji Famnitov biološki večer z naslovom
»Use, Management and Conservation of Natural Resources in Baja California (Lower California), Mexico«,
ki bo v sredo, 6. 3. 2019, ob 19.00,
v Veliki predavalnici 1 (VP1) na Glagoljaški 8.
Predavala bo mag. Milena Gucić, predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku.
Baja California is the northernmost and westernmost state of Mexico. It has 880 km of coastline (Pacific Ocean and Sea of Cortez) and it is one of the most biodiverse states of Mexico. It has 700 plant endemic species, 25 endemic species of terrestrial fauna, and 740 marine endemic species with 40% of all marine mammals in the world. It is also the state with the largest area under some environmental protection status. The Sea of Cortez is one of the top five marine ecosystems of the world in terms of productivity and biodiversity. Unplanned urban growth has caused direct and indirect negative impacts on biodiversity.
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste CIBNOR (previously CIB – Center for Biological Research) was established in 1975 by the Government of the State of Baja California Sur and CONACYT (National Council for Science and Technology) to promote science and technology development in the area. CIBNOR has strengthened as a highly recognised institution at national and international level and as one of the best in the country. CIBNOR carries out a wide range of studies and biological research, paying special attention to four principal fields: Aquaculture, Agriculture in Arid Zones, Fisheries Ecology and Environmental Planning and Conservation.
Marine migratory species are subject to a myriad of human-induced pressures, including fishing, habitat destruction and climate change, that cannot be mitigated by the unilateral action of one state or agency. There are several important organisations, like MigraMar network that conducts the scientific research needed to better understand and safeguard healthy populations of marine migratory species in the Eastern Pacific.
About the lecturer:
Milena Gucić graduated from the University of Belgrade with Diploma in General Biology, Animal Ecology department. While pursuing her Master degree in Mexico, La Paz, CIBNOR (Aquaculture department), she discovered her talents and matched them to a need for conservation. She began to realise one of the biggest parts in Conservation Biology was education and outreach. Milena Gucić is also a competent teacher who worked in the British International Schools of Belgrade and Ljubljana between 2010 and 2018.