Alpska konvencija – Nagrada za mlade znanstvenike in znanstvenice 2022 / Alpine Convention – Young Academics Award 2022

Z veseljem vas obveščamo, da Alpska konvencija organizira novo izvedbo natečaja Young Academics Award – nagrade, ki mlade spodbuja k inovativnemu raziskovanju alpskih tem!

Študente in študentke Univerze na Primorskem vabimo k sodelovanju na natečaju Young Academics Award 2022, kjer lahko osvojite privlačne nagrade.

Tokratna izvedba natečaja Alpske konvencije Young Academics Award se osredotoča na »Trajnostni promet in mobilnost v Alpah«. Dobrodošle so prijave, ki so povezane z naslednjimi temami:
– tovorni promet v Alpah;
– potniški promet;
– individualna trajnostna mobilnost;
– turizem.

Uspešni kandidati in kandidatke lahko osvojijo eno izmed sedmih nagrad v vrednosti do 1.000 €, ki jih zagotavljajo Stalni sekretariat Alpske konvencije in švicarsko predsedstvo Alpski konvenciji ter info točke Alpske konvencije.

Rok za oddajo je 30. junij 2022. Vse informacije v zvezi s kriteriji in nagradami natečaja ter prijavnica so na voljo tukaj.


We are pleased to inform you that the Alpine Convention is organizing a new implementation of the Young Academics Award competition – an award that encourages young people to explore innovative Alpine topics!

Students of the University of Primorska are invited to participate in the Young Academics Award 2022 competition, where you can win attractive prizes.

This year’s Young Academics Award competition focuses on »Sustainable Transport and Mobility in the Alps«. Applications related to the following topics are welcome:
– freight transport in the Alps;
– passenger transport;
– individual sustainable mobility;
– tourism.

Successful candidates can win one of seven prizes worth up to € 1,000, provided by the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention and the Swiss Presidency of the Alpine Convention, as well as the info points of the Alpine Convention.

The deadline for submission is 30 June 2022. All information regarding the criteria and prizes of the competition as well as the application form in English are available here.