-English below-
8. maj posvečamo Mednarodnemu dnevu muzejev, ki se mu letos pridružuje tudi Arheološki park Simonov zaliv. Vsebine Arheološkega parka Simonov zaliv so bile oblikovane na UP FHŠ, predstavlja pa izolski del Centra znanosti UP, ki je nastal z namenom širjenja znanstveno-raziskovalnih vsebin UP širši javnosti.
Jutri, 18. 5. 2022, bo Arheološki park tako vsem obiskovalcem med 16.00 in 19.00 brezplačno odprl svoja vrata, ob 17.00 pa se lahko udeležite tudi strokovnega vodenja. Obisk omogoča ogled ostankov rimske obmorske vile (villae maritimae) z gospodarskim poslopjem in največjim pristaniščem iz istega časa – skupno eno največjih posestev v tem delu Istre iz časa rimske kolonije Akvileje (181 pr. n. š.), ki je zajemala velik del današnje Istre.
Vljudno vabljeni!
May 8 is dedicated to the International Museum Day, which this year is joined by the Archaeological Park Simonov zaliv. The concept of the Archaeological Park Simonov zaliv were was established by the UP FHŠ, and it represents a part of the UP Science Center based in Izola. The UP Science Center was created with the aim of disseminating scientific and research content of the University of Primorska for the public.
Tomorrow, 18 May 2022, the Archaeological Park is open to all visitors free of charge between 16.00 and 19.00, and at 17.00 you can also take part in a guided tour. The visit offers a look at the remains of a Roman seaside villa (villae maritimae) with an outbuilding and the largest port in the area from that era – combining one of the largest estates in this part of Istria from the Roman colony of Aquileia (181 BC), which covered much of today Istria.