Ameriško-slovenska izobraževalna fundacija ASEF je objavila razpis za štipendijski program ASEF Junior Fellows – štipendije za raziskovalni obisk v tujini. Gre za triletni program, v okviru katerega izbrane študentke in študenti dobijo priložnost 10-tedenskega raziskovalnega obiska na prestižnih univerzah po svetu (npr. na Univerzi Harvard, Univerzi Stanford, UC Berkeley, Univerzi Cambridge) pod mentorstvom slovenskega profesorja/-ice na izbranem področju. Poleg tega so štipendisti ASEF vključeni v različne dejavnosti, kjer imajo priložnost v celoti uresničiti svoj potencial.
V ASEF-u si prizadevajo za oblikovanje posameznikov, ki jih odlikuje akademska odličnost, oblikovani značaj in zavzemanje za dobrobit skupnosti, zato vabimo vse zainteresirane, da se prijavijo na razpis in postanejo del ASEF zgodbe.
Prijavnice lahko najdete na tej povezavi, skupaj z več informacijami o samem razpisu. Rok za prijavo je 23. oktober 2022.
Vprašanja v zvezi z razpisom pošljite na
The American-Slovenian Educational Foundation (ASEF) has announced the call for applications for the ASEF Junior Fellowships – Fellowships for a research visit abroad. This is a three-year programme, under which selected students will have the opportunity to spend 10 weeks on a research visit to prestigious universities around the world (e.g. Harvard University, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, Cambridge University) under the mentorship of a Slovenian professor in their chosen field. In addition, ASEF Fellows are involved in various activities where they have the opportunity to realise their full potential.
ASEF is committed to creating individuals of academic excellence, character and commitment to the well-being of the community, and we invite all interested individuals to apply and become part of the ASEF story.
Application forms can be found here, along with more information about the call itself. The deadline for applications is 23 October 2022.
Questions about the call should be sent to