Bodi del izziva #GuessWherasmus tudi TI///Be part of the challange #GuessWherasmus

Bližajo se Erasmus dnevi! V letošnjem letu bodo potekali po vsej Evropi od 13. do 15. oktobra 2022. V sklopu 35 obletnice, ter evropskim letom mladih s sloganom Sharing our European values with the youth of today and tomorrow: for 35 years now and many more to come, bo skozi tridnevno dogajanje glavni namen porgrama spodbujanje in promoviranje evropskih vrednot in predstavitev prednosti, ki jih izmenjava ERASMUS+ prinaša posameznikom.

S tem namenom se od 3. oktobra v okviru Erasmus dnevov odvijajo izzivi na socialnih omrežjih Tik Tok, Instagram in Facebook pod ključnikom #GuessWherasmus.

Na izziv ste vabljeni vsi, ki ste v preteklosti bili del ERASMUS+ izkušnje, kot tudi tisti, ki se na izmenjavo odpravljate ali pa si to le želite. 

V primeru sodelovanja je potrebno posneti kratki plesni video, v katerem prikažete znamenitosti, značilnost kulture in ostale posebnosti na lokaciji, s čim pozovete k ugibanju, kje je potekala ali poteka vaša izmenjava.

Podrobne informacije najdete TUKAJ

The 2022 Erasmus days are coming! This year will take place throughout Europe from the 13th to the 15th of October 2022. As a part of the 35th anniversary and the European Year of Youth, under the tagline “Sharing our European values with the youth of today and tomorrow: for 35 years now and many more to come” is the main aim of the program promoting European values and to presents the benefits that ERASMUS+ exchanges bring to individuals.

Therefore, from 3 October Erasmus Days are running challenges on the social networks Tik Tok, Instagram and Facebook under the hashtag #GuessWherasmus.

The challenge is for anyone who has been part of the ERASMUS+ experience, as well as those who are going or just want to be part of it.

For participation, you have to make a short dance video, where you show particular landmarks, cultural features and other peculiarities of the location, so your contact will try to guess your location.   

Detailed information