Čitalnice sedaj na voljo 24/7 // Reading rooms now available 24/7

Obveščamo vas, da je z današnjim dnem, 29. 1. 2024, vzpostavljen 24/7 sistem obratovanja Centralne enote Univerzitetne knjižnice (Trubarjeva 1, Koper). Čitalniški prostori UP UK (Prešernova dvorana, Vegova dvorana, Trubarjeva dvorana, prostor za skupinsko delo) bodo uporabnikom odslej na voljo 24 ur na dan in VSE dni v tednu.

POZOR: Vstop v prostore in izstop iz prostorov UP UK je možen le s kartico uporabnika oz. z aplikacijo STUDO (študenti). Če iz prostorov UP UK odnesete nezadolženo gradivo, se vrata avtomatsko zaklenejo. V primeru težav v času, ko v knjižnici ni knjižničnega osebja, se obrnite na varnostno službo Sintal, na telefonsko številko: 041 879 612.

Z vstopom v prostore UP Univerzitetne knjižnice sprejmete Pravilnik o splošnih pogojih poslovanja UP UK, ki ga najdete v prostorih knjižnice ter TUKAJ >>

Navodila za uporabo čitalniških prostorov >>

Navodila za uporabo knjigomata >>


We would like to inform you that as of today, 29 January 2024, the 24/7 system of the Central unit University library (Trubarjeva 1, Koper) has been established. The reading rooms of UP UK (Prešernava, Vegova, Trubarjeva, and room for group work) will now be available to users 24 hours a day and ALL days of the week.

ATTENTION: Entry to and exit from UP UK premises is only possible with a user card or with the STUDO application (students). In the event that you take unauthorized material out of the UP UK premises, the door will lock automatically. In case of problems when there are no library staff in the library, please contact the Sintal security service at the phone number: +386 41 879 612.

By entering the premises of the University library, you accept the rules on the general terms and conditions of the UP University library, the document of which can be found in the library.

Instructions for using the self service station Knjigomat >>