Daniil BALDOUSKI: Managing and Optimizing Container Flow in Port Logistics

Jutri, v ponedeljek, 26. junija 2023, bo ob 16.00 uri izvedeno predavanje v okviru PONEDELJKOVEGA SEMINARJA RAČUNALNIŠTVA IN INFORMATIKE Oddelkov za Informacijske znanosti in tehnologije UP FAMNIT in UP IAM.

ČAS/PROSTOR: 26. junij 2023 ob 16.00 v FAMNIT-VP1.


Daniil Baldouski is a first-year PhD student of Computer Science at UP FAMNIT.

NASLOV: Managing and Optimizing Container Flow in Port Logistics


Efficient container management is pivotal to port logistics. In this seminar I will talk about integer linear programming and explain a method for optimizing truck scheduling within a port, using a mathematical model that facilitates concurrent tasks under specific constraints and capacity limitations. The model’s efficiency will be showcased on simulated instances.

Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku v predavalnici FAMNIT-VP1.
