Edinstven projekt za mlade – Travel Different for Future / A unique youth project – Travel Different for Future

Predstavljamo vam mladinski mednarodni projekt »Travel Different for Future«, ki poteka v sodelovanju z nemško organizacijo JANUN Hannover e.V. Več o projektu si lahko preberete na novi spletni strani projekta: https://www.traveldifferent.org/si 

V trenutni fazi projekta iščejo mlade med 18. in 28. letom, da se jim pridružite pri edinstvenem dveletnem slovensko‑nemškem projektu na temo potovanja in izobraževanja. Pri projektu boste pridobili kompetence s področja neformalnega izobraževanja in izobraževanja za trajnostni razvoj. Naučili se boste, kako delati z mladimi ter kako ustvariti mednarodne projekte in seminarje. Brezplačno se boste lahko udeležili treh mednarodnih usposabljanj. Pridobili boste neprecenljive izkušnje s področja ekipnega dela, in sicer v sodelovanju z mednarodno ekipo zanimivih ljudi, ki si želijo izboljšati svet s promoviranjem drugačnega načina potovanja. Več o prijavi na projekt najdete v tej brošuri.

Rok prijave je 17. april.

Vse pomembnejše informacije so strnjene tukaj.

We present you the youth international project »Travel Different for Future«, which takes place in cooperation with the German organization JANUN Hannover e.V. You can read more about the project on the new project website: https://www.traveldifferent.org/en

In the current phase of the project, they are looking for young people between the ages of 18 and 28 to join them in a unique two-year Slovenian-German project on travel and education. The project will provide you with competencies in the fields of non-formal education and education for sustainable development. You will learn how to work with young people and how to create international projects and seminars. You will be able to attend three international trainings free of charge. You will gain invaluable experience in the field of teamwork, in collaboration with an international team of interesting people who want to improve the world by promoting a different way of traveling. Find out more about applying for the project in this brochure.

The application deadline is April 17.