The Tutoring system at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural science and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT) has been helping students with both academic problems and practical life challenges for many years. In the last academic year at UP FAMNIT, 27 students were part of it. Besides helping students, they contributed to the promotion activities of the Faculty with presentations for secondary school students, on information days and other events.

Among student tutors was also Matija Zagoranski, who is now a Master’s student of Biopsychology, and also a tutor in the academic year 2022/23. In his speech, he highlighted the important role of tutors, which they have during the new arrival of freshmen students: »For new students, we are their best friends before they meet their best friends. «


UP FAMNIT highly appreciates the invested effort, which the student tutors devoted to other students. On that note, yesterday, on 24 October at 12:00, we presented them with a certificate of successful competition of their tutoring work for the academic year 2021/22.

19 active studentsreceived the certificates for successfully competed tutoring work for the academic year 2021/2022:

  • MIHAIL FILIPOVSKI, student of the study programme Bioinformatics (BSc),
  • INGA RAIČ, NADEEN AL HAWAMDEH, ELENA SPIROVA and PAVLE MIHAILOVSKI , students of the study programme Computer science (BSc),
  • KAROLINA TRAJKOVSKA and MILAN MILIVOJČEVIĆ, graduates of the study programme Computer Science (BSc),
  • DOROTEA REDŽEPI and NEVENA STOJNIĆ, students of the study programme Mathematics (BSc),
  • AJLA ŠEHOVIĆ, graduate of the study programme Mathematics (BSc),
  • SINOLICHKA NAUNOVSKA and EVA KREBL, students of the study programme Biopsychology (BSc),
  • MATIJA ZAGORANSKI, student of the Master’s study programme Biopsychology,
  • CITA JENKO, student of the Master’s study programme Psychology,
  • MARUŠA PENCA KOCJAN, MOJCA PUNGERČAR and ZALA HORVAT , students of the study programme Conservation Biology (BSc),
  • LUKA DUNIŠ, student with a Master’s degree in Nature Conservation,
  • ARSEN MATEJ GOLUBOVIKJ, student of the Master’s study programme Data Science.

We would like to thank all student tutors for their work and all the hours they dedicate to the students throughout the academic year and wish them every success in the future.