Category: Seminars

  • Shifting any path to an avoidable one

    Shifting any path to an avoidable one

    2021-05-24 10:00 — 11:00 Zoom Matjaž Krnc (UP FAMNIT, Slovenia) Shifting any path to an avoidable one A vertex  in a graph  is avoidable if every induced path on three vertices with […]

  • On 2-Y-homogeneous and almost 2-Y-homogeneous distance-biregular graphs

    On 2-Y-homogeneous and almost 2-Y-homogeneous distance-biregular graphs

    2021-05-17 10:00 — 11:00 Zoom Blas Fernández (UP IAM, Slovenia) On 2-Y-homogeneous and almost 2-Y-homogeneos distance-biregular graphs Let G denote a distance-biregular graph with bipartite parts Y and Y’. Let […]

  • On the clique number and Mantel/Turan theorems

    On the clique number and Mantel/Turan theorems

    2021-05-10 10:00 — 11:00 Zoom Slobodan Filipovski (UP FAMNIT) On the clique number and Mantel/Turan theorems Let G=(V,E) be a finite undirected graph with vertex set V(G) of order |V(G)|=n and […]

  • Embeddings of Action Graphs

    Embeddings of Action Graphs

    2021-05-03 10:00 — 11:00 Zoom Tomaž Pisanski (UP FAMNIT and UL FMF). Embeddings of Action Graphs In the literature, one can find at least three different genus parameters associated with […]

  • On Jordan Schemes

    On Jordan Schemes

    2021-04-19 10:00 — 11:00 Zoom Mikhael Muzychuk (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) On Jordan Schemes Motivated by the problems appearing in the theory of experimental designs, Bose and Mesner […]

  • $\ell$-Facial Edge-Coloring of Plane Graphs

    $\ell$-Facial Edge-Coloring of Plane Graphs

    2021-04-12 10:00 — 11:00 Zoom Kenny Štorgel (UP FAMNIT and UNM FIS) {$\ell$-Facial Edge-Coloring of Plane Graphs} A cyclic coloring of a plane graph is a vertex coloring in which […]

  • All you need is political love? Assessing the effects of partisan favouritism in Croatia’s public procurement

    All you need is political love? Assessing the effects of partisan favouritism in Croatia’s public procurement

    2021-03-29 10:00 — 11:00 Zoom Ana Grdović Gnip (UP FAMNIT) All you need is political love? Assessing the effects of partisan favouritism in Croatia’s public procurement This paper discusses the […]

  • Distance-unbalancedness of trees

    Distance-unbalancedness of trees

    2021-03-22 10:00 — 11:00 Zoom Dieter Rautenbach (Ulm University, Germany) Distance-unbalancedness of trees For a graph G​​, and two distinct vertices u​​ and v​​ of G​​, let nG(u,v)​​ be the […]

  • Design and analysis with curves and surfaces

    Design and analysis with curves and surfaces

    2021-03-15 10:00 — 11:00 Zoom (See link below) Vito Vitrih (University of Primorska, Slovenia) Design and analysis with curves and surfaces Computer-aided geometric design (CAGD) deals with the mathematical description, […]

  • Selfish generosity: statistical estimation of strategies for indirect human reciprocity

    Selfish generosity: statistical estimation of strategies for indirect human reciprocity

    2021-03-08 10:00 — 11:00 Zoom Žiga Velkavrh (UP FAMNIT – UP IAM) Selfish generosity: statistical estimation of strategies for indirect human reciprocity We often observe that people help strangers in […]