Category: Seminars

  • Decomposing 1-Sperner hypergraphs, with applications to graphs

    Decomposing 1-Sperner hypergraphs, with applications to graphs

    2019-05-06 10:00–11:00 FAMNIT-MP1 Martin Milanič (IAM and FAMNIT, University of Primorska) Decomposing 1-Sperner hypergraphs, with applications to graphs Hypergraphs are generalizations of graphs in which edges (in this context referred […]

  • Some results and problems on unique-maximum colorings of plane graphs

    Some results and problems on unique-maximum colorings of plane graphs

    2019-04-26 11:00–12:00 FAMNIT-MP6 Riste Škrekovski (UL FMF, UP FAMNIT, IMFM, FIŠ) Some results and problems on unique-maximum colorings of plane graphs A unique-maximum coloring of a plane graph G is […]

  • Regular functions of a quaternionic variable with applications

    Regular functions of a quaternionic variable with applications

    2019-04-15 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-MP1 Graziano Gentili (Universita degli studi Firenze, Italy) Regular functions of a quaternionic variable with applications The recent notion of quaternionic slice regularity has identified a new class […]

  • Identifying codes in digraphs

    Identifying codes in digraphs

    2019-04-08 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-MP1 Berenice Martinez-Barona (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya and University of Primorska) Identifying codes in digraphs A (1,\le \ell)-identifying code in a digraph D is a dominating subset C […]

  • Hypergraph Nim

    Hypergraph Nim

    2019-04-01 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-MP1 Peter Muršič (University of Primorska) Hypergraph Nim Nim is an impartial game in which two players take turns choosing a pile and removing a positive tokens from […]

  • Binomial divisibility to 7 billion

    Binomial divisibility to 7 billion

    2019-03-25 10:00 — 11:00 FAMNIT-Muzejski 1 Russ Woodroofe (University of Primorska) Binomial divisibility to 7 billion In earlier work with John Shareshian, we asked whether for every number n, there […]

  • A connection between a question of Bermond and Bollobas and Ramanujan graphs

    A connection between a question of Bermond and Bollobas and Ramanujan graphs

    2019-03-21 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-MP4 Slobodan Filipovski (University of Primorska) A connection between a question of Bermond and Bollobas and Ramanujan graphs If we let n(k, d) denote the order of the […]

  • On secondary constructions of bent and plateaued functions

    On secondary constructions of bent and plateaued functions

    2019-03-18 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-MP1 Samir Hodžić (University of Primorska) On secondary constructions of bent and plateaued functions In this talk, we consider secondary construction methods of bent and plateaued functions. The […]

  • Regular Cayley maps for dihedral groups

    Regular Cayley maps for dihedral groups

    2019-03-11 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-MP1 István Kovács (University of Primorska) Regular Cayley maps for dihedral groups A combinatorial map is a pair M=(X,r), where X is a finite simple connected graph and […]

  • Nash equilibria in network routing games

    Nash equilibria in network routing games

    2019-03-04 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-MP1 Martin Strehler (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus–Senftenberg, Germany) Nash equilibria in network routing games The talk provides a brief introduction to routing games and related game theory […]

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