Category: Seminars

  • On non-commutative harmonic analysis and theory of automorphic forms

    On non-commutative harmonic analysis and theory of automorphic forms

    2017-11-24 11:00-12:00 FAMNIT-MP1 Marko Tadić (University of Zagreb, Croatia) On non-commutative harmonic analysis and theory of automorphic forms We shall recall of basic principles of the non-commutative harmonic analysis, discuss […]

  • Highly symmetric graphs

    Highly symmetric graphs

    2017-11-06 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POŠTA Robert Jajcay (UP FAMNIT and Comenius University (Slovakia)) Highly symmetric graphs In our talk, a highly symmetric graph will mean a vertex-transitive graph whose automorphism group is […]

  • Untitled post 11006

  • Complex, symplectic and Kahler geometry

    Complex, symplectic and Kahler geometry

    2017-11-27 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POŠTA Vicente Munoz Velázquez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) Complex, symplectic and Kahler geometry Kahler manifolds appear naturally in both Algebraic and Differential Geometry: projective complex varieties from […]

  • Stable reconstruction of solutions of ill-posed problems – selected topics

    Stable reconstruction of solutions of ill-posed problems – selected topics

    2017-10-27 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-MP1 Elena Resmerita (Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt, Austria) Stable reconstruction of solutions of ill-posed problems – selected topics The research field of Inverse Problems has witnessed a tremendous […]

  • Stable Kneser graphs: problems and conjectures

    Stable Kneser graphs: problems and conjectures

    2017-10-23 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POŠTA Pablo D. Torres (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina) Stable Kneser graphs: problems and conjectures For positive integers n \ge 2k, the Kneser graph KG(n, k) has as […]

  • Hamilton Surface Decomposition – 60 Years and One Week Later

    Hamilton Surface Decomposition – 60 Years and One Week Later

    2017-10-16 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POŠTA Tomaž Pisanski (University of Primorska) Hamilton Surface Decomposition – 60 Years and One Week Later In 1955 Gerhard Ringel introduced the notion of Hamilton Surface Decomposition. 30 […]

  • End vertices in certain graph classes

    End vertices in certain graph classes

    2017-10-09 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POŠTA Marisa Gutiérrez (National University of La Plata and CONICET, Argentina) End vertices in certain graph classes Given a finite family of non empty sets F =(A_i)_{i\in I} […]

  • Jigsaw percolation

    Jigsaw percolation

    2017-05-29 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POŠTA Janko Gravner (University of California, Davis, USA) Jigsaw percolation Jigsaw percolation is a model for collaborative problem solving: a nonlocal process that iteratively merges connected clusters in […]

  • Polynomial expansion and sublinear balanced separators

    Polynomial expansion and sublinear balanced separators

    2017-05-22 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POŠTA Jean-Florent Raymond (Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw (Poland) and to LIRMM (France)) Polynomial expansion and sublinear balanced separators The notion of […]

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