Category: Seminars

  • New Characterizations in Structural Graph Theory: 1-Perfectly Orientable Graphs, Graph Products, and the Price of Connectivity

    New Characterizations in Structural Graph Theory: 1-Perfectly Orientable Graphs, Graph Products, and the Price of Connectivity

    2016-11-28 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POŠTA Tatiana Romina Hartinger (UP IAM, UP FAMNIT) New Characterizations in Structural Graph Theory: 1-Perfectly Orientable Graphs, Graph Products, and the Price of Connectivity This is a presentation […]

  • Extendability of certain graph products

    Extendability of certain graph products

    2016-11-21 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POŠTA Nina Chiarelli Extendability of certain graph products A graph G of even order is k-extendable if it has at least 2 k+2 vertices, contains a matching of […]

  • Cubic arc-transitive k-circulants

    Cubic arc-transitive k-circulants

    2016-11-14 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POŠTA István Kovács (UP IAM, UP FAMNIT) Cubic arc-transitive k-circulants For a positive integer k, a graph is called a k-circulant if its automorphism group contains a cyclic […]

  • On the pronormality of subgroups of odd indices in finite simple groups

    On the pronormality of subgroups of odd indices in finite simple groups

    2016-11-07 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POŠTA Natalia Maslova (Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation) On the pronormality of subgroups of odd indices in finite […]

  • The Plateau problem

    The Plateau problem

    2016-10-24 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-VP Guido de Philippis (SISSA Trieste) The Plateau problem In its classical formulation Plateau problem asks to find the surface of minimal area spanning a given boundary. Understanding […]

  • Construction of rigid body motions by geometric continuous rational splines

    Construction of rigid body motions by geometric continuous rational splines

    2016-10-17 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POŠTA Karla Ferjančič Construction of rigid body motions by geometric continuous rational splines In this talk we present a geometric approach to interpolate given sequence of rigid body […]

  • Pascal’s Hexagrammum and Octagrammum Mysticum

    Pascal’s Hexagrammum and Octagrammum Mysticum

    2016-10-10 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POŠTA Đorđe Baralić (Mathematical Institute SASA, Belgrade) Pascal’s Hexagrammum and Octagrammum Mysticum We prove several generalizations of ramarkable Pascal’s theorem which states that if we draw a hexagon […]

  • Optimal switching among different hedging strategies

    Optimal switching among different hedging strategies

    2016-06-06 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-Muzejski1 Ana Zalokar (UP IAM & UP FAMNIT) Optimal switching among different hedging strategies The motivation for our research problem comes from hedging reserves in life insurance policies […]

  • Full characterization of generalized bent functions

    Full characterization of generalized bent functions

    2016-06-06 11:00-12:00 FAMNIT-Muzejski1 Samir Hodžić (UP IAM & UP FAMNIT) Full characterization of generalized bent functions In difference to many recent articles that deal with generalized bent (gbent) functions $f:\mathbb{Z}_2^n […]

  • Bourgin-Yang theorems for the $p$-toral groups

    Bourgin-Yang theorems for the $p$-toral groups

    2016-06-09 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-Muzejski3 Waclaw Marzantowicz (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland) Bourgin-Yang theorems for the $p$-toral groups In 1933 S. Ulam posed and K. Borsuk showed that if $n>m$ \newline then […]