Category: Seminars

  • On the informational structure in optimal dynamic stochastic control

    On the informational structure in optimal dynamic stochastic control

    2015-05-25 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POSTA Matija Vidmar (University of Ljubljana) On the informational structure in optimal dynamic stochastic control We formulate a massively general framework for optimal dynamic stochastic control problems which […]

  • Combinatorial structures with regular automorphism groups

    Combinatorial structures with regular automorphism groups

    2015-05-18 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POSTA Robert Jajcay (Comenius University (Slovakia) and UP FAMNIT) Combinatorial structures with regular automorphism groups The topic of our talk is a refinement of the classical result of […]

  • Hamiltonian cycle systems and their automorphism groups

    Hamiltonian cycle systems and their automorphism groups

    2015-05-11 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POSTA Marco Buratti (Universita di Perugia, Italy) Hamiltonian cycle systems and their automorphism groups A Hamiltonian cycle system of odd (even) order v, briefly a HCS(v), is a […]

  • Adjacency and coherency preservers

    Adjacency and coherency preservers

    2015-05-04 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POSTA Peter Šemrl (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana) Adjacency and coherency preservers We will discuss the problem of describing the general form of adjacency and […]

  • Variational Problems and Application to a Competitive Equilibrium Problem

    Variational Problems and Application to a Competitive Equilibrium Problem

    2015-04-28 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POSTA Monica Milasi (Università degli Studi di Messina) Variational Problems and Application to a Competitive Equilibrium Problem Competitive equilibrium problems are usually studied by means of fixed point […]

  • Blocking sets and almost blocking sets

    Blocking sets and almost blocking sets

    2015-04-20 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POSTA Tamas Szonyi (Eotvos University, Budapest) Blocking sets and almost blocking sets A blocking set in a plane is a set of points that meets every line. It […]

  • On the finite groups which are spectrum minimal, prime spectrum minimal or prime graph minimal

    On the finite groups which are spectrum minimal, prime spectrum minimal or prime graph minimal

    2015-04-16 11:30 FAMNIT-Pošta Natalia Maslova (IMM UB RAS, Yekaterinburg, Russia) On the finite groups which are spectrum minimal, prime spectrum minimal or prime graph minimal In the group theory, ”arithmetical” […]

  • The ring of fire: solved by rocks and fishes

    The ring of fire: solved by rocks and fishes

    2015-04-13 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POSTA Steve Wilson (Northern Arizona University, USA) The ring of fire: solved by rocks and fishes The Ring of Fire is a problem that baffled me for 25 […]

  • Vabilo na javno predstavitev teme doktorske disertacije

    Vabilo na javno predstavitev teme doktorske disertacije

    2015-04-08 10:00 FAMNIT-POŠTA Karla Ferjančič Predstavitev teme doktorske disertacije: Konstrukcija gibanj togih teles z geometrijsko zveznimi racionalnimi zlepki Racionalna gibanja so zelo uporabno orodje v računalniški grafiki, robotiki in sorodnih […]

  • Locally and weakly locally projective actions

    Locally and weakly locally projective actions

    2015-03-30 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-POSTA Alexander Ivanov (Imperial Collage London, Faculty of Natural Sciences) Locally and weakly locally projective actions Let G be a subgroup in the automorphism group of a graph […]