Category: Seminars

  • Non-commutative Stone dualities

    Non-commutative Stone dualities

    2014-06-23 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-SEMIN Ganna Kudryavtseva, IMFM Non-commutative Stone dualities In the talk, I will outline several approaches to non-commutative generalizations of Stone duality that have been developed in recent years. […]



    2014-06-11 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-VP prof. dr. Robin Wilson (Open University, United Kingdom) EULER: 300 YEARS ON Euler was the most prolific mathematician of all time – but what did he do?  […]

  • On equity-linked life insurance

    On equity-linked life insurance

    2014-05-26 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-SEMIN Ana Zalokar On equity-linked life insurance In equity-linked life insurance contracts, the benefits are directly linked to the value of an investment portfolio. The financial risk can […]

  • Fibre bundles as generalized universal covers

    Fibre bundles as generalized universal covers

    2014-05-19 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-SEMIN Paul Fabel (Mississippi State University) Fibre bundles as generalized universal covers Classical covering theory ensures each connected metric space with reasonable local properties ( locally path connected, […]

  • Spectra of Graphs and Closed Distance Magic Labelings

    Spectra of Graphs and Closed Distance Magic Labelings

    2014-05-12 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-SEMIN Marcin Anholcer (Poznan University of Economics, Poland) Spectra of Graphs and Closed Distance Magic Labelings Open abstract.

  • Ohranjevalci na tenzorskem produktu matrik

    Ohranjevalci na tenzorskem produktu matrik

    2014-04-28 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-SEMIN Ajda Fošner Ohranjevalci na tenzorskem produktu matrik Na seminarju bodo predstavljeni nekateri novejši rezultati v zvezi z ohranjevalci na tenzorskem produktu kompleksnih matrik.

  • Distance degree regularity and distance-balanced properties of graphs

    Distance degree regularity and distance-balanced properties of graphs

    2014-04-23 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-SEMIN dr. Primož Lukšič Distance degree regularity and distance-balanced properties of graphs The concepts of adjacency and distance are two of the most basic terms in graph theory. […]

  • Generalized ends of groups and graphs

    Generalized ends of groups and graphs

    2014-04-14 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-SEMIN Norbert Seifter (Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria) Generalized ends of groups and graphs Roughly speaking an end of a graph G(V,E) is an equivalence class of one-way infinite paths […]

  • C^1 Hermite interpolation with spatial PH cubic biarcs and a fully data-dependent criterion for free angles selection

    C^1 Hermite interpolation with spatial PH cubic biarcs and a fully data-dependent criterion for free angles selection

    2014-04-07 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-SEMIN Karla Počkaj C^1 Hermite interpolation with spatial PH cubic biarcs and a fully data-dependent criterion for free angles selection In this talk, we will consider the Hermite […]

  • Some combinatorial aspects of the connections between hypergroups and fuzzy sets

    Some combinatorial aspects of the connections between hypergroups and fuzzy sets

    2014-03-31 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-SEMIN Irina Cristea (University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia) Some combinatorial aspects of the connections between hypergroups and fuzzy sets Download abstract. DOWNLOAD SLIDES.