Category: Seminars

  • Is the theory of finite primitive groups finished?

    Is the theory of finite primitive groups finished?

    2012-12-11 10:00-11:00 FAMNIT-SEMIN prof. Pablo Spiga (University of Milano-Bicocca) Is the theory of finite primitive groups finished? From time to time you hear people saying that the theory of finite […]

  • Primitive groups of degree twice a prime number (part II) – Dragan Marušič

    Primitive groups of degree twice a prime number (part II) – Dragan Marušič

    2012-12-03 10:00 FAMNIT-MP Dragan Marušič Primitive groups of degree twice a prime number (part II) We will give a short overview and discuss possible future directions with regards to the […]

  • Raziskovalni matematični seminar

    Raziskovalni matematični seminar

    2012-11-26 10:00 FAMNIT-MP Dragan Marušič Primitive groups of degree twice a prime number We will give a short overview and discuss possible future directions with regards to the classification of […]

  • Raziskovalni matematični seminar

    Raziskovalni matematični seminar

    Date: 2012-11-26 Time: 10:00 Location: FAMNIT-MP Lecturer: Dragan Marušič Title: Primitive groups of degree twice a prime number Abstract: We will give a short overview and discuss possible future directions […]

  • Quadratization of Pseudo-Boolean Functions

    Quadratization of Pseudo-Boolean Functions

    2012-11-19 9:00 Seminar room at Galeb (Kettejeva 1, Koper) Prof. Endre Boros (RUTCOR, Rutgers University, USA) Quadratization of Pseudo-Boolean Functions Set functions, i.e., real mappings form the family of subsets […]

  • Raziskovalni matematični seminar

    Raziskovalni matematični seminar

    2012-11-12 10:00 Seminar room at Galeb (Kettejeva 1, Koper) dr. Bojan Kuzma On maps which do not increase the spectum of difference of matrices We will show that maps, which […]

  • Untitled post 15888

    2012-10-22 10:30-10:55 Seminar room at Galeb (Kettejeva 1, Koper). Riste Škrekovski (FMF and IMFM, Ljubljana, Slovenia) Some results on network centralitiy indicies Centrality is used to quantify an intuitive feeling that […]

  • Raziskovalni matematični seminar

    Raziskovalni matematični seminar

    2012-11-05 10:00 Seminar room at Galeb (Kettejeva 1, Koper) dr. Dragan Stevanović Spectral approach to network partitioning problems An important part of the network analysis are network partitioning  problems, which […]

  • Raziskovalni matematični seminar

    Raziskovalni matematični seminar

    2012-10-29 10:00 Seminar room at Galeb (Kettejeva 1, Koper) dr. Gabriel Verret Growth of automorphism groups in arc-transitive graphs Let Γ be a connected G-arc-transitive graph, let uv be an […]

  • Raziskovalni matematični seminar

    Raziskovalni matematični seminar

    On Monday, October 22, 2012, at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies in Koper, there will be a research mathematical seminar. Seminar starts at 10:00, and it […]