30.01.2012 Lecturer: Alexander Vasilyev Title: Introduction to Sage. Examples of application to Graph theory Abstract: Sage (previously SAGE) is mathematical software with features covering many aspects of mathematics, including algebra, […]
23.01.2012 Lecturer: Samed Bajrić Title: Almost Perfect Nonlinear functions Abstract: In this talk we present some basic properties of Almost Perfect Nonlinear (APN) functions over finite field of characteristic 2 […]
16.01.2012 Lecturer: dr. Gyorgy Kiss (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest). Title: Semiarcs and semiovals in PG(2, q) Abstract : Ovals, k-arcs and semiovals of finite projective planes are not only interesting geometric […]
09.01.2012 Lecturer: dr. Gabriel Verret Title: Constructing a census of small cubic vertex-transitive graphs. Abstract: We describe some recent theoretical results and various tricks which allowed us to compute a census […]
19.12.2011 Lecturer: dr. Primož Potočnik (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) Title: Group amalgams and locally arc-transitive graphs. Abstract: A group amalgam is a quintuple (L,f,B,g,R) where L,B and R are abstract […]
28.11.2011 Lecturer: dr. Štefko Miklavič Title: Automorphism groups of the “Rose-window” graphs which are not edge-transitive. Download the slides from the talk here: DOWNLOAD!
21.11.2011 Lecturer: Ademir Hujdurović Title: Quasi m-Cayley graphs Abstract: A graph Γ is called a quasi m-Cayley graph on a group G if there exists a vertex ∞ ∈ V […]
14.11.2011 Lecturer: dr. Martin Milanič Title: Hereditary efficiently dominatable graphs Abstract: An efficient dominating set (or perfect code) in a graph is a set of vertices the closed neighborhoods of which […]
07.11.2011 Lecturer: Dr. Sugata Gangopadhyay (Department of Mathematics at Indian Institute of Technology, INDIA). Title: Boolean functions in Cryptology. Download the slides from the talk: DOWNLOAD!
10.10.2011 Lecturer: dr. Sergei Evdokimov (Petersburg Department of V.A.Steklov Institute of Mathematics, St. Petersburg, Russia) Title: Characterization of Cyclic Schur Groups Abstract: We say that a finite group G is […]