Confirmed list of candidates for the UP Management Board

At its first regular session held on 18 April 2023, the electoral commission for the implementation of the regular election of members of the University of Primorska Management Board received and opened the nominations for the appointment of members of the University of Primorska Management Board.
Based on the nominations received, it compiled two lists of candidates:
A list of candidates for the election of members of the University of Primorska Management Board from among representatives of employees engaged in higher education activities or scientific research
A list of candidates for the election of members of the University of Primorska Management Board from among representatives of administrative or technical staff.
The election of UP staff representatives to the UP Management Board will be held on Thursday, 15 June, from 9 am to 4 pm. Advance voting (early election) will take place on Monday, 12 June, from 9 am to 12 pm. 
For further information on the election procedure, please visit the University website.