Distance-unbalancedness of trees

10:00 — 11:00
Dieter Rautenbach (Ulm University, Germany)
Distance-unbalancedness of trees

For a graph G​, and two distinct vertices u​ and v​ of G​, let nG(u,v)​ be the number of vertices of G​ that are closer in G​ to u​ than to v​. Miklavi\v{c} and \v{S}parl (arXiv:2011.01635v1) define the distance-unbalancedness {uB}(G)​ of G​ as the sum of |nG(u,v)-nG(v,u)|​ over all unordered pairs of distinct vertices u​ and v​ of G​. For positive integers n​ up to 15​, they determine the trees T​ of fixed order n​ with the smallest and the largest values of { uB}(T)​, respectively. While the smallest value is achieved by the star K1,n-1 for these n​, the structure of the trees maximizing the distance-unbalancedness remained unclear. For n​ up to 15​ at least, all these trees were subdivided stars. Contributing to problems posed by Miklavi\v{c} and \v{S}parl, we show that stars minimize distance-unbalancedness among all trees of a given order, that

max\{{uB}(T):T is a tree of order n}=n3/2 +o(n3)​

and that

max{uB}(S(n1,…,nk)):1+n1+⋯+nk=n}=(1/2 -5/6k +1/3k2 )n3+O(kn2),​

where S(n1,…,nk)​ is the subdivided star such that removing its center vertex leaves paths of orders n1,…,nk.


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