Flexible configurations

10:00 — 11:00
ZOOM (See link below)
Tomaž Pisanski (UP FAMNIT and UL FMF)
Flexible configurations

In a flexible (n_k) configuration at least one configuration line has the property that its k configuration points may be placed on it in k predetermined positions, while rearranging the rest of configuration in such a way that the point-line incidences are preserved.

We will show some useful applications of this concept in connection with Grünbaum incidence calculus. In particular, we will give a proof that for any k and for each sufficiently large number n, there exists an (n_k) configuration of points and lines.

 This is joint work in progress with Leah Berman and Gábor Gévay.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join the video-lecture through the following link:
