We are glad to announce that the article by assoc. prof. Jasna Prezelj, in the field of biotechnology, with the title “Quantitative evaluation of the risk of exposure of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) over different types of milk for the Slovenian consumer” was selected among the achievements of Excellence in Science 2022.
Excellence in science is a project, implemented by the Slovenian Research Agency to promote science. Its followed by European models where the increasing importance of science promotion is linked to the contribution of science to the development of a knowledge-based society. Build with awareness of the relationship and reciprocity between scientific research and the challenges of contemporary society needs to be built and strengthened.
The mechanism was made to stimulate the development and establishment of innovative communication activities for the promotion of Slovenian science. It was introduced in 2014 as one of the three strands of ARRS activities in the field of science.
The selection was made by the members of the Scientific Councils of the disciplines and approved by the Agency’s Scientific Council.
We sincerely congratulate assoc. prof. Jasna Prezelj for her achievement!