MATCOS-22 – The Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science

Today, October 14, 2022, the conference MATCOS-22 The Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science was successfully concluded at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT). The two-day event was organized by Andrej Marušič Institute (UP IAM) and UP FAMNIT in cooperation with the research institute InnoRenew CoE.


MATCOS-22 was held as part of the 25th Multi-Conference on Information Society, which took place from 10 to 14 October 2022, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

 MATCOS-22 participants were also welcomed by the dean of UP FAMNIT, Assoc. Prof. Ademir Hujdurović

For the scope of the conference, two goals were set – to come up with ideas and solutions from the field of theoretical computing, that can be directly used in real world applications, and to collect theoretical results based on some fruitful ideas, that may be useful to adopt for practical problems. Special emphasis was placed on applications such as simulation, bioinformatics, digital signal and image processing, data science, digital forensics, logistics, smart homes/cities and IoT (Internet of Things).

                               Prof. Andrej Brodnik, co-chair of MATCOS-22 programme committee

 »This year too, just like last year, we introduced regular and short papers and in this way enabled a larger number of participants and mutual exchange of ideas. The program included a total of 32 papers (11 regular and 21 short), and the presentations were held in two parallel sections, so that the participants had enough time for discussion. We are glad that more than 40 participants, who contributed to the creative atmosphere of the event, took part in MATCOS-22« summed up Assoc. Prof. Rok Požar, chair of the MATCOS-22 Organizing Committee.


This year’s keynote speaker was Prof. György Turán (University of Illinois at Chicago and Research Group on AI, University of Szeged). In his keynote lecture titled »Interpretability of deep-learned error-correcting codes«, he answered questions about whether the error-correcting codes, today often created by deep learning, differ from the traditional ones whose existence was demonstrated by C. Shannon in 1948.

                 Group photo with MATCOS-22 organizers and participants

For more detailed information on the conference, please visit