Mini-course “Enumeration under group action”

16:00 — 18:30
Muzejski 1
Liliana Alcón (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina)

The course is an introduction to the Polya’s theory in order to answer
questions such as:
-Up to isomorphism, how many graphs on n vertices are there?
-Up to rotational symmetry, how many ways can we color the faces of a cube?
-How many necklaces can be formed using 8 beads of 3 different colors?
The mini-course will be self-contained, and will start by reviewing definitions and main results involving group actions and permutation groups. Important results from permutation groups such as orbit-stabilizer theorem, Burnside’s theorem and Polya’s enumeration theorem will be proved. These theorems will be followed by many examples and interesting applications.

The updated schedule is as follows:

Wednesday, 28.02.2018: 16:00 – 18:30 – Lecture room: Muzejski 1
Thursday, 01.03.2018:  10:00 – 11:30 – Lecture room: FAMNIT – POŠTA
Friday, 02.03.2018:    10:00 – 12:30 – Lecture room: Muzejski 1

Wednesday, 7.3.2018:   16:00 – 18:30 – Lecture room: Muzejski 4
Thursday, 8.3.2018:    9:30  – 11:00 – Lecture room: FAMNIT-VP
Friday, 9.3.2018:      10:00 – 12:30 – Lecture room: Muzejski 1

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