The Minister of Health issued an order to announce epidemy of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) disease in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia and to ban the gathering of people in schools and universities.

The University of Primorska accepted relevant measures before the orders were announced. All our measures are in line with the orders and will be valid until further notice. In this time:

1) the study process will remain adapted and will be, where possible, implemented on-line. There are no study activities happening at the premises of the university (students receive specific guidelines from individual faculties),
2) there is no student and employee recreation,
3) all events, extracurricular activities, lifelong learning and other activities are postponed,
4) alternative forms of work are possible for all employees, including research and administrative staff,
5) all business trips abroad are limited,
6) we still urge everyone to pay special attention to hand and cough hygiene,
7) we urge everyone to follow verified and official information, especially the WHO,
8) we appeal to everyone to refrain from discrimination and to remain respectful to each other.

We wish all of you to remain healthy!