On a matrix representation of (hyper)complex numbers and functions

15:00 — 16:00
Fabio Vlacci (University of Trieste)
On a matrix representation of (hyper)complex numbers and functions

We will present a recent approach on matrix representation of hypercomplex regular functions. This topic has been also considered independently by A. Altavilla and  C. de Fabritiis. In this talk, we will explore many applications and potential outcomes of these new representations.
We will start by recollecting ideas on several possible ways of representing complex and hypercomplex (namely quaternionic and octonionic) numbers and how these ideas can be – in some sense – transposed to (some classes of) hypercomplex regular functions.
The seminar is supposed to be self-contained with little knowledge of basic complex analysis.
This is a jont work with Jasna Prezelj.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend!