Pascal’s Hexagrammum and Octagrammum Mysticum

Đorđe Baralić (Mathematical Institute SASA, Belgrade)
Pascal’s Hexagrammum and Octagrammum Mysticum

We prove several generalizations of ramarkable Pascal’s theorem which states that if we draw a hexagon inscribed in a conic section then the three pairs of opposite sides of the hexagon intersect at three points which lie on a straight line – the Pascal line of the hexagon. The complete figure formed by 60 Pascal’s line has amazing properties ant it is known as Hexagrammum Mysticum. The similar results about an octagon inscribed in a conic section are known as Octagrammum Mysticum. We present an elementary combinatorial proof of those classical using Bézout’s theorem as the main tool whose application is guided by the empirical evidence and computer experiments with the program Cinderella.