POSTGRADUATE STUDY: Course schedules for Autumn Semester 2021/2022

We would like to inform you that the course schedules for all study programmes for the Autumn Semester 2021/2022 are published on our website ( The semester starts on Friday, 1 October 2021 and last until Friday, 21 January 2022.

On this website you can also find a short clip that will show you how to check the course schedule.

Important information about the course schedule:

  • Please check the schedule every week, because weekly schedules can differ.
  • The schedule might change until Thurdsay, 30 September. Please check the schedule again before the beginning of the academic year.

Changes after that (from Friday, 1 October) will be published in the notices of Student Services. You will be able to find them here: (for each study programme separately). We advice all students to register for the news, as they will be immediately notified by email about any change.

Terms for the meetings with the study programme coordinators with the 1st year students:

  • Mathematical Sciences – Slovene (PMA): Friday, 1 October at 13.00 in Famnit-MP1 (Glagoljaška 8, 1st floor);
  • Computer Science (PRIN): Friday, 1 October at 13.00 in Famnit-VP1 (Glagoljaška 8, 1st floor);
  • Nature Conservation (PBI):  Friday, 1 October at 13.00 in Famnit-VP2 (Glagoljaška 8, 1st floor);
  • Biopsychology (PBP): Friday, 1 October at 13.00 in Famnit-MP6 (Glagoljaška 8, 2nd floor);
  • Psychology (UPSI): Friday, 1 October at 13.00 in Famnit-VP3 (Glagoljaška 8, 2nd floor);
  • Data Science – Slovene (PZ): Friday, 1 October at 13.00 in Famnit-AvlaGlagoljaška (Glagoljaška 8, ground floor).

Meetings with study programme coordinators for students enrolled in English programmes (Mathematical Sciences, Data Science) will take place during Orientation days at UP (for more info please check:

In the beginning of October study programme coordinators will meet 2nd year students. Exact terms will be published in the notices of Student Services.

We inform the students of the Computer Science that the course Selected Topics in Theoretical Computer Science will be offered with consultations. The course leader will inform the students about the details of the course.

Regarding the schedule and COVID-19, we would like to remind you of the following:

  • a 30-min break is required between lectures/tutorials in the same classroom,
  • lectures / tutorials that are conducted remotely (on-line) are marked on the schedule so that the classroom is actually “On-line”.
  • More detailed instructions regarding the implementation of the pedagogical process in the conditions of COVID-19 and the obligations of employees and students will be published later in the updated Instructions of the University of Primorska regarding the implementation of the study process with regard to the conditions of COVID-19. We will inform you about the publication. Please read the instructions carefully and follow them strictly.

Student Services UP FAMNIT