Prof. dr. Elena Bužan appointed as a new member of the Expert Council for Animal Protection

The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Irena Šinko, appointed the following members to the Expert Council for Animal Protection (Strokovni svet za zaščito živali – SSZŽ):

  • Severina Iskrač, Society for Animal Protection Maribor,
  • prof. dr. Alenka Dovč, University of Ljubljana, Veterinary Faculty,
  • assoc. prof. dr. Ožbalt Podpečan, University of Ljubljana, Veterinary Faculty,
  • Asst. dr. Tina Klenovšek, University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics,
  • dr. Janko Skok, University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences,
  • assoc. prof. dr. Manja Zupan Šemrov, Biotechnical Faculty,
  • prof. dr. Elena Bužan, University of Primorska, Department of Biodiversity.

The Expert Council for Animal Protection is an advisory body to the Minister in the field of animal protection and welfare. The tasks of SSZŽ are to monitor the state and scientific findings in the field of animal protection and to propose measures and activities, to provide opinions and proposals in the preparation of regulations on animal protection, as well as opinions on the appropriateness of placing an animal species on the list of permitted animal species at the request of the competent authority. In addition, SSZŽ proposes criteria for issuing permits for experiments on animals, gives opinions and proposals in other matters for which it is requested by state authorities, and performs other advisory tasks in the field of animal protection.

Membership in SSZŽ, which consists of recognized experts in the fields of veterinary medicine, medicine, pharmacy, biology and zootechnics, as well as active representatives of non-governmental organizations working in the field of animal protection, lasts for 4 years from the date of issue of the decision, with the possibility of re-appointment.

The SSZŽ will organize the first session of the new composition in September.