Recognizing vertex-transitive digraphs which are wreath products, double coset digraphs, and generalized wreath products

10:00 — 11:00
ZOOM (See link below)
Ted Dobson (UP FAMNIT, Slovenia)
Recognizing vertex-transitive digraphs which are wreath products, double coset digraphs, and generalized wreath products

It is known that a Cayley digraph $\Cay(A,S)$ of an abelian group $A$ is isomorphic to a nontrivial wreath product if and only if there is a proper nontrivial subgroup $B\le A$ such that $S\setminus B$ is a union of cosets of $B$ in $A$. We generalize this result to Cayley digraphs $\Cay(G,S)$ to nonabelian groups $G$ by showing that such a digraph is isomorphic to a nontrivial wreath product if and only if there is a proper nontrivial subgroup $H\le G$ such that $S\setminus H$ is a union of double cosets of $H$ in $G$. This result is proven in the more general situation of a double coset digraph (also known as a Sabidussi coset digraph.) We then give applications of this result which include showing the problem of determining automorphism groups of vertex-transitive digraphs is equivalent to the problem of determining automorphism groups of Cayley digraphs, and extending the definition of generalized wreath product digraphs to double coset digraphs of all groups $G$.


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