Ademir Hujdurović – Quasi m-Cayley graphs

21.11.2011 Lecturer: Ademir Hujdurović

Title:  Quasi m-Cayley graphs

Abstract:  A graph Γ is called a quasi m-Cayley graph on a group G if there exists a vertex
∞ ∈ V (Γ) and a subgroup G of the vertex stabilizer Aut(Γ) of the vertex ∞ in the full
automorphism group Aut(Γ) of Γ, such that G acts semiregularly on V (Γ)\{∞} with m
orbits. If the vertex ∞ is adjacent to only one orbit of G on V (Γ)\{∞}, then Γ is called
a strongly quasi m-Cayley graph on G.We will present the classifications of quasi 2-
Cayley, strongly quasi 3-Cayley and strongly quasi 4-Cayley arc-transitive circulants.


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