Coherent configurations

Mikhail E. Muzychuk (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
Coherent configurations

 In my lectures I’ll talk about coherent configurations, association schemes and their connection to combinatorics and finite geometry. We also learn how coherent configurations are related to the Graph Isomorphism Problem. Also a brief introduction to the Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm will be given.

Lectures will be:
Wednesday 24th of January 2018. from 11:00 — 12:30 (FAMNIT-Muzejski1)
Friday 26th of January 2018. from 11:00 — 12:30 (FAMNIT-Muzejski1)
Monday 29th of January 2018 from 11:00 — 12:30 (FAMNIT-Pošta)

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