The finals of UPM 2020 are concluded

On Saturday, 10 October, 2020, the final round of the University Programming Marathon – UPM 2020 took place. Out of 46 teams and 127 competitors, 15 best teams qualified for the finals. Due to measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 disease, the preliminaries were conducted online, but the final competition was held live, separately at three universities – UL FRI, UM FERI and UP FAMNIT. The remainder of the programme for the finals took place online.

Participants had five hours to complete the nine tasks, which can be viewed here. The winning and second-placed team managed to solve 6 tasks, and the third-placed team solved 5, indicating that the tasks were indeed very demanding.

The top three teams in the overall standings were:

1st place: Final Solution (Žiga Željko, Tim Poštuvan and Marko Hostnik)
2nd place: Jam (Žiga Vene, Aljaž Eržen and Marko Rus)
3rd place: Ctrl Alt Defeat (Benjamin Bajd, Bor Grošelj Simić and Tevž Lotrič)

Champions by Universities:

University of Ljubljana: Final Solution (Žiga Željko, Tim Poštuvan and Marko Hostnik)
University of Maribor: BSoD (Vid Keršič, Mitja Žalik and Matic Rašl)
University of Primorska: COVID19 (M. Besher Massri, Nemanja Torbica and Mirza Redžić)

UP Famnit was also represented by another team – KProg (Mirza Krbezlija, Hasan Mahmutagić and Arbër Avdullahu).

You can see the official results of the UPM 2020 here.

Congratulations to all participants!



(Famnit competing team COVID19)


 The University Programming Marathon (UPM) is a Slovenian competition for students in programming, where the emphasis is on knowledge of algorithms and data structures. Students compete in teams while the Marathon consists of three preliminary rounds and a final round. UPM takes place at all three Slovenian universities at the same time (University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor and University of Primorska) and represents the qualifications for the CERC (Central Europe Regional Contest), which is an integral part of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest. The latter is the largest, most prestigious and oldest competition of its kind.