The next European Congress of Mathematics will be on the Slovenian coast!

On Sunday, 17 July 2016, the dean of UP FAMNIT, assoc. prof. Klavdija Kutnar, PhD and rector of UP and president of the Slovenian Rectors’ Conference of the Republic of Slovenia, prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD presented the bid to organise the 8th European Congress of Mathematics in Slovenia to the Council of the European Mathematical Society.

The candidature was launched by UP FAMNIT in collaboration with UP IAM, UL FMF, UL PEF, UM FNM and all other organisations active in the field of mathematics in Slovenia, while it was supported also by the MIZŠ, ARRS, SAZU and Slovenian Rectors’ Conference

The delegates recognised our potential and supported Slovene organisers with 45 votes in favour. With this they gave us an advantage from the Sevilla candidature, which received 33 votes of support. 

European Congress of Mathematics is the second largest mathematical event in the world, after the International Congress of Mathematics and is organised every 4 years. More than 1,000 mathematicians usually take part in it.

Between 5th and 11th July 2020, the congress will be organised in Portorož, Slovenia. The organising committee is chaired by prof. Tomaž Pisanrski, PhD.

Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD added: “This is a fantastic achievement of Slovene mathematics and science in general. So far Slovenia never hosted a similar event in the past. Today, Slovene science opened even more into the world.

We have a unique opportunity in the next 4 years to further promote Slovenia and its sciences in Europe and the world.”

The congress website is available here

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