The zero sum partition of Abelian groups and its applications

Sylwia Cichacz (AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland)
The zero sum partition of Abelian groups and its applications

Kaplan, Lev and  Roditty [1] introduced a notion of zero-sum partitions of subsets in Abelian groups. Let \Gamma be an Abelian group of order n. We shall say that \Gamma has the zero-sum-partition property (ZSP-property) if every partition n-1 = r_1 + r_2 + \ldots + r_t of n-1, with r_i \geq 2 for 1 \leq i \leq t and for any possible positive integer t, there is a partition of \Gamma – \{0\} into pairwise disjoint subsets A_1, A_2,\ldots , A_t, such that |A_i| = r_i and \sum_{a\in A_i}a = 0 for 1 \leq i \leq t.  They conjectured that every Abelian group \Gamma, which is of odd order or contains exactly three involutions, has the ZSP-property. The conjecture was recently proved by Zeng [2].

In this talk we show some applications of the ZSP-property of groups in some graph labeling problems.

[1] G. Kaplan, A. Lev, Y. Roditty, On zero-sum partitions and anti-magic trees, Discrete Math. 309(8) (2009), 2010–2014.
[2] X. Zeng, On zero-sum partitions of abelian groups. Integers 15 (2015), Paper No. A44, 16 pp.