Today opens the 2nd application deadline for enrollment in undergraduate study programs for Slovene nationals, EU citizens and Slovene nationals without Slovene citizenship

Today, 19 August 2022, is opened the second application deadline for the first year of study in study year 2022/23, for Slovene nationals, EU citizens and Slovene nationals without Slovene citizenship. The application deadline is 23. August 2022. 

Aavailable places for EU citizens:

  • Bioinformatics (UN) Slovene and English version
  • Mathematics (UN) Slovene and English version
  • Computer Science (UN) Slovene and English version
  • Mathematics in Economics and Finance (UN)
  • Mediterranean Agriculture (VS)
  • Conservation Biology (UN)

Available places for Slovene nationals without Slovene citizenship:

  • on all undergraduate study programmes

The call for application and instructions for submitting the application are published HERE

Candidates can obtain additional information at the Student Services.