Vanishing Immanants

15:00 — 16:00
Hassan Cheraghpour (University of Primorska)
Vanishing Immanants

Let $ Q_{n}(\CC) $ be the space of all $ n\times n $ alternate matricesvover the complex field $ \CC $ and let $ d_{\chi}(A) $ denote the immanant of the matrix $ A \in Q_{n}(\CC) $ associated with the irreducible character $ \chi $ of the permutation group $ S_{n} $‎. ‎The main goal in this paper is to find all the irreducible characters
such that the induced immanant function $ d_{\chi} $ vanishes identically on $ Q_{n}(\CC) $‎.

This is a joint work with Bojan Kuzma.


Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.