Erasmus+ KIP priložnost za študente: 3D Modelling for Games // Erasmus+ BIP Opportunity for students: 3D Modelling for Games

Z veseljem vabimo vse zainteresirane študente k udeležbi na Kombiniranem intenzivnem programu o 3D modeliranju za igre, ki ga organizira Kaunas University of Technology, UP FAMNIT Erasmus+ partner.

Pregled programa:

  • Naslov: 3D modeliranje za igre (3 ECTS)
  • Trajanje virtualnega dela: 6., 13., 20., 27. april 2024
  • Trajanje fizičnega dela: 10. do 14. junij 2024
  • BIP programski letak

Postopek prijave:

  • Zainteresirani študenti se lahko prijavijo do 31. januarja 2024.
  • Za več informacij in postopek prijave se obrnite na Gintarė Lukoševičiūtė na naslovu
  • Za finančno podporo se prijavite prek Erasmus+ KIP odprtega razpisa (ko prejmete potrdilo od gostujoče institucije ali vsaj 2 meseca pred začetkom KIP).
  • Za vse dodatne informacije in podporo je na voljo UP FAMNIT Mednarodna pisarna,

Erasmus+ financiranje:

  • Udeleženci Erasmus+ KIP programov so upravičeni do možnosti kritja storškov potovanja, namestitve in drugih nastalih izdatkov.
  • Več informacij o možnostih financiranja za Erasmus+ KIP je dostopnih tu.


We are thrilled to extend an invitation to students to participate in the upcoming Blended Intensive Program on 3D Modeling for Games, organized by Kaunas University of Technology, an Erasmus+ partner of UP FAMNIT.

Program Overview:

  • Title: 3D Modeling for Games (3 ECTS)
  • Virtual Part Duration: April 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th, 2024
  • Physical Part Duration: June 10th-14th, 2024
  • BIP Program Flyer

How to Apply:

  • Interested students can apply by January 31st, 2024.
  • For more details and the application process, please contact Gintarė Lukoševičiūtė at
  • Apply for financial support through the Erasmus+ BIP Call (upon receiving confirmation from the host institution or at least 2 months before the start of BIP).
  • For any further information or assitance do not hesitate to contact UP FAMNIT International Office, at

Erasmus+ Financing:

  • Erasmus+ participants are responsible for covering their travel, accommodation, and other costs from their Erasmus+ grant.
  • Learn more about Erasmus+ BIP financing options here.