Kakšne oblike Erasmus+ mobilnosti za študente so na voljo?Kako se prijavim na Erasmus+ študentsko mobilnost? Kje najdem informacije o posameznih Erasmus+ razpisih? Kako je urejeno sofinanciranje Erasmus+ mobilnosti za študente?
V četrtek, 15.02. in v četrtek, 22.02., od 12.00 do 14.00 pripravljamo Erasmus+ ZOOM Klepetalnico za študente, na kateri se bomo osredotočili na vsa vprašanja glede možnosti Erasmus+ mobilnosti za študente, postopka prijave ter vseh ostalih pomembnih informacijah, ki vas zanimajo in se pritičejo Erasmus+ mobilnosti.
Pridi, vprašaj in se prijavi!
V Erasmus+ ZOOM Klepetalnico se lahko vključite kadarkoli v omenjenih terminih, med 12.00 in 14.00.
Povezava do Zoom klepetalnice za oba termina > TUKAJ
What forms of Erasmus+ mobility are available for students? How do I apply for Erasmus+ Student Mobility? Where can I find information about individual Erasmus+ calls? How is the co-financing of Erasmus+ mobility for students arranged?
On Thursday, 15. 02. and Thursday, 22. 02. , from 12. 00 to 14. 00, we are organising the Erasmus+ ZOOM Chat Room for Students, where we will focus on all questions regarding Erasmus+ opportunities for students, the application process and all other important information that interests you and is related to Erasmus+ mobility.
Come, ask and sign up!
You can join the Erasmus+ ZOOM Chat room at any time, during the mentioned periods, between 12. 00 and 14. 00.