ESN vprašalnik: izpolni in osvoji praktične nagrade //ESN Survey: participate and win practical gifts

Erasmus Student Network je nedavno ustvarila zadnjo izdajo anketnega vprašalnika ESNsurvey, ki je namenjena vsem študentom, ki so bili v zadnjih dveh letih na izmenjavi ali  so diplomirali v tujini, kot tudi študentom, ki niso bili na izmenjavi.

Z izpolnjevanjem ankete lahko osvojite eno od 10 vozovnic Interrail Global, 10 povratnih vozovnic Flixbus in 4 bone Amazon po 50 evrov!

Anketa je dostopna tukaj:šalnik bo dostopen do 31. julija 2023 .

Vaši odgovori bodo pomagali prepoznati potrebne izboljšave programa Erasmus+ ter drugih programov mobilnosti študentov, zato bodo veseli vaše pomoči. Vzelo vam bo le približno 20 minut, vprašalnik pa je popolnoma anonimen. Če imate kakršna koli vprašanja, se lahko obrnete na ESN na


The Erasmus Student Network has recently launched the last edition of the ESNsurvey, the largest student-led survey focusing on student exchanges and the internationalisation of Higher Education from the student perspective.

The survey is open to students who have been on an exchange during the last two years, all international students who are pursuing degrees abroad and also students who have not been on an exchange.

By filling out the survey, you can win one of the 10 Interrail Global passes, 10 Flixbus return tickets and 4 Amazon vouchers for 50 Euros each!

You can access to the survey here: The data collection is open until 31 July 2023.

Through this survey, Erasmus Student Network is researching how to improve the Erasmus+ programme as well as other student mobility programmes and needs your help. It will only take you around 20 minutes and the questionnaire is completely anonymous. If you have any questions, you can contact ESN at .