FAMNITov 5. biološki večer

UP FAMNIT vabi na PETI BIOLOŠKI VEČER, ki bo tokrat izjemoma v petek, 4. marca ob 16h v mali predavalnici na Famnitu.

Na predavanju z naslovom »An Overview of Illumina Sequencing Technology and its Applications« bomo gostili Dr. Epameinondasa Fritzilasa iz podjetja Illumina United Kingdom. Predavanje bo v angleškem jeziku.
Vljudno vabljeni!
Povzetek predavanja:
High-throughput DNA sequencing has become a mature technology that offers new insights to molecular biologists.
In this talk, we will give a high-level overview of Illumina’s sequencing workflow:
Sample preparation, image acquisition, base-calling, read mapping and variant calling.
Certain things will be discussed from a computer scientist’s point of view.
If time permits, we will also touch upon some applications of sequencing.
