FTP – Fakultetno tekmovanje v programiranju// FTP – Faculty Tournament in Programming

 *English below


FTP (Fakultetno tekmovanje v programiranju) je natečaj, na katerem študentje na zabaven način preizkušajo svoje programerske sposobnosti. Študentje razvijejo program (Igralec), ki v njihovem imenu igra potezno igro proti drugim tekmovalcem.

Cilj je razviti program (Igralec), ki se najbolje odziva na strategije drugih tekmovalcev, brez vpogleda v njihovo izvorno kodo. Letos vas ponovno vabimo k udeležbi! Letošnje tekmovanje prinaša veliko sprememb, pri čemer je najbolj opazna ekipna dimenzija (igre v dvojicah).

Ostale spremembe bodo predstavljene na uradni predstavitvi, ki bo potekala 12. 12. 2023, v učilnici Rlab3 ob 8:30. Vabljeni!

K sodelovanju vabimo vse študente UP FAMNIT!

  • Pričetek: 11. 12. 2023
  • Konec: 1. 3. 2024
  • Finale: TBA

Spletna stran tekmovanja: https://tekmovanje.famnit.upr.si/

FTP (Faculty Tournament in Programming) is a competition where students have the opportunity to test their programming skills in a fun way. Participants develop a program (Player) that plays a turn-based game on their behalf against other competitors. The goal is to create a program (Player) that responds best to the strategies of other competitors, without access to their source code.

This year, we invite you once again to participate! The competition brings many changes, with the most notable being the team dimension (games in pairs). Other changes will be presented at the official introduction on December 12, 2023, in classroom Rlab3 at 8:30 AM.

You are cordially invited!

We invite all UP FAMNIT students to participate!

  • Start: 11. 12. 2023
  • End: 1. 3. 2024
  • Finals: TBA

The official website: https://tekmovanje.famnit.upr.si/