Projekt InnoRenew je bil iz strani Evropske komisije izbran med 530 projekti kot finalist nagrade New European Bauhaus 2024 za arhitekturo in ustvarjanje nove napredne znanstvene skupnosti. Glasovanje se je pričelo 7. marca.
Kako deluje?
1. Pojdite na naslednjo povezavo:
2. Kliknite, da želite sodelovati, in v okno vpišite svoj e-poštni naslov (to lahko pošljete večkrat z različnimi e-poštnimi naslovi).
3. Ko prejmete e-pošto od NEB, oddajte svoj glas za nas v sklopu A ( STRAND A) in še en glas za sklop B – STRAND B (kateri koli projekt, ki vam je všeč). Predlagam, da ne oddate nobenih dodatnih glasov v sklopu A, saj bi to zmanjšalo možnost, da dobimo nagrado.
Javno glasovanje se bo zaključilo 27. marca ob 18.00 po srednjeevropskem času.
InnoRenew project was selected by the European Commission as a finalist among 530 projects for the New European Bauhaus 2024 Award for Architecture and the Creation of a New Advanced Scientific Community.
How does it work?
1. Follow the link:
2. Click, if you wish to participate and insert your e-mail address in the field provided (you can send this multiple times by inserting different e-mail addresses).
3. When you receive an e-mail from NEB, cast your vote for us in the section A (STRAND A) and another vote in the section B – STRAND B (you can select whichever project you prefer). I suggest not to cast any additional votes in the section A, as this will lower the chance of getting the award.
Public voting will be closed on 27th of March at 6 p.m. to Central European Time.