Južnoameriški poslovni forum (South American Business Forum), ki se vsako leto odvija v Buenos Airesu v Argentini med 6. in 8. avgustoom, vabi študente k oddaji esejev na letošnjo temo: “Boosting Our Actions in the New Decade“. Kandidati lahko eseje oddajo do 9. maja 2010.
Več informacij v spodnjem sporočilu (v angleškem jeziku), kjer najdete tudi ustrezne kontakte.
We would like to invite the students of University of Primorska to be part of the sixth edition of the South American Business Forum (SABF). This is a forum organized entirely by students of Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA), which annually takes place in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Events of similar characteristics, that have been periodically held in several countries around the world (USA, Switzerland, Germany) for more than 30 years, have inspired the creation and structure of the Forum.
The event consists in gathering 100 of the finest university students from all around the world – no matter their chosen course of studies – and 40 prominent international leaders from different areas during August 6th, 7th and 8th 2010. The idea is to generate a debate and an exchange of ideas concerning several South American issues. To attend this event, students must write an essay making reference to this year’s main theme: “Boosting Our Actions in the New Decade“. Afterwards, they will be selected by an independent jury, composed by professors, business leaders and journalists. Applications can be sent in from January 20th until May 9th 2010.
This is an excellent opportunity for students to participate in an event where they will be in contact with present leaders of the institutional, business, political, economic and academic areas, as well as with students from around the world. This will rise an enriching dialogue and generate ideas that may contribute directly to the sustainable development of the region. Moreover, it is an experience in which the cultural exchange contributes to the students’ personal and professional growth.
During the previous editions of the SABF, we have had participants from other universities, such as Harvard University, London School of Economics and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, among others. This year, we are willing to keep the same level of excellence and this is why we would like to invite you to be part of the event.
We hope that you will contact us and be willing to achieve, by working together, a good spread of the forum, so as to give your students the opportunity to participate in the event. We make use of diffusion e-mails and posters that could be sent to you. However, any other ways of spreading that you might find interesting or suitable are welcome. If you are not the one I should be in contact with, I would be very grateful if you could send this e-mail to the correct person.
For more information about the SABF, please visit our official web site: www.sabf.org.ar.
Juan Martín Maffi
Head of Student Relations
South American Business Forum
Cel: +54 (911) 6905 4632
Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires
Av. Eduardo Madero 399 – (C1106ACD)
Ciudad de Buenos Aires – Argentina