Kontakti v primeru težav z dostopom do prostorov UP – informacija / Contacts in case of problems with accessing UP premises – information

Študente obveščamo, da je prišlo pri prenosu in združevanju podatkov v informacijskem sistemu do določenih težav, zato čitalec študentskih kartic ne bo v vseh primerih pravilno odčital podatkov s študentske izkaznice. Zaradi navedenega se lahko pojavijo težave z dostopom v prostore, pri katerih so za dostop nameščeni čitalci kartic  (UP FAMNIT – avla na Glagoljaški 8; v Kopru – Brolo 12, UP FHŠ (Tramontana, Levant 1), Univerzitetna knjižnica UP; Livade 1.0 v Izoli).

V primeru težav z dostopom s študentsko izkaznico kontaktirajte IKT službo (podpora@famnit.upr.si, 05 611 7580). Za študente, ki so locirani v Livadah bodo naši sodelavci iz IKT od 2. do 6. oktobra v dopoldanskem času prisotni na lokaciji.

Hkrati vas obveščamo, da je vstop možen s pomočjo aplikacije Studo. Čitalec kod bo od 2. 10. 2023 nameščen in delujoč na vseh omenjenih lokacijah.

Hvala za razumevanje.

We would like to inform you that there have been some problems with the transfer and merging of data in the information system, which caused difficulties with the student ID card reader. As a result, the card reader may not always recognise the data from the student ID card correctly. This may cause problems accessing the premises with card readers installed (UP FAMNIT – lobby at Glagoljaška 8; Brolo 12, UP FHS (Tramontana, Levant 1), UP University Library; Livade 1.0 in Izola).

If you encounter any difficulties accessing these premises with your student ID card, please contact our IT services for assistance (podpora@famnit.upr.si, 05 611 7580). For students located in the Livade 1.0 building, our colleagues from the IT services will be present on site in the mornings from the 2nd to the 6th of October.

Access to the premises will be also possible using the Studo app. The code reader for Studo will be installed and operational at all the mentioned locations starting from 2 October 2023.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work to resolve this issue.