Mednarodni teden študentov v Beogradu (ISWiB 2023)-razpis za promotorje//International Student Week in Belgrade (ISWiB 2023)-Call for Promoters

Mednarodni teden študentov v Beogradu (ISWiB 2023) bo potekal od 18. do 26. julija 2023, v Beogradu v Srbiji.

Namen festivala je povezati mlade z delom v več različnih delavnicah, ki pokrivajo pomembna področja družbe, v kateri živimo. Z delavnicami, tesno komunikacijo, sodelovanjem, interaktivnimi predavanji in različnimi odprtimi dejavnostmi bodo študenti lahko pridobili novo znanje in izmenjali ideje. Poleg tega, bodo imeli enkratno priložnost, da navežejo strokovne stike z uglednimi profesorji in strokovnjaki iz različnih sektorjev ter sami razvili in ustvarili nove projekte.

Tematika ISWIB 2023 je Prihodnost komunikacij pod sloganom “#ConnectionInEveryDirection”, kjer bo pripravljenih 10 različnih delavnic na katerih se bodo študentje preizkusili v različnih metodah, kot so študije primera, trženje in mediji, muzikali, ukvarjali pa se bodo tudi z perečimi vprašanji današnje družbe in ostalimi zanimivimi aktivnostmi. 

Promotorji ISWiB so običajno nekdanji udeleženci festivala, ki so se želeli vključiti v organizacijo, vendar to ni pogoj. Promotor je lahko vsakdo, ki  je navdušen nad ISWiB, poleg tega pa je tudi komunikativen in prijazen. 

Udeleženci bodo prejeli tudi določene ugodnosti, ki jih bodo razlikovale od rednih udeležencev; nižja kotizacija, dostop do vseh izdelkov ISWiB, prost dostop do vseh ogledov Beograda itd.

Še posebej spodbujajo k sodelovanju mlade invalide in pripadnike drugih ranljivih skupin, da se prijavijo in sodelujejo.

Vabljeni so študenti iz različnih področjih z vsega sveta!

Rok prijave je 30. november 2022!

Več si lahko preberete tukaj.

Prijavite se tukaj.


International Student Week in Belgrade (ISWiB 2023) will take place from 18 to 26 July 2023 in Beograd, Serbia.

The idea is to bind young people through work in several different workshops created so that every workshop covers a significant field of the society we live in. Through workshops, close communication and cooperation, interactive lectures and various open activities, students will be able to gain new knowledge and exchange ideas. They will also have an opportunity to establish professional contacts with eminent professors and professionals from different sectors and develop and create self-made projects.

The theme of ISWIB 2023 is The Future of Communication under the slogan”#ConnectionInEveryDirection”, where will be organised 10 different workshops, where students will be dealing with burning issues of today’s society using different methods such as case studies, marketing and media, musicals and many more.

ISWiB promoters are usually former participants of the Festival, who wanted to get involved in its organization. But our promoter can also be anyone who’s passionate about ISWiB, who’s communicative and friendly, even without having been associated with the Festival before! 

The participants would also get certain benefits that would differentiate them from the regular ones, such as reduced participation fee, access to all ISWiB merch, free access to all Belgrade city tours etc.

In addition, they especially encourage young people with disabilities, as well as members of other vulnerable groups, to sign up and participate.

The Festival is open to students from different fields, from all over the world!

Applications are open until November 30!

More inforamtion is HERE.

Application is HERE