Natečaj najboljše magistrsko delo na temo trajnostne energije / Call for the best master’s thesis on the topic of sustainable energy

Ali ste v vašem magistrskem delu raziskovali področje učinkovite rabe energije ali obnovljivih virov energije? Ste svoje magistrsko delo zagovarjali v obdobju od 1. oktobra 2020 do 30. maja 2021?

Potem je ta natečaj pravšnji za vas. Več o pravilih sodelovanja si lahko preberete tukaj.

Rok za prijave je 30. junij 2022.

Have you done your research in the field of energy efficiency or renewable energy sources in your master’s thesis? Have you defended your master’s thesis in the period from 1 October 2020 to 30 May 2021?

Then you should consider applying to the call. You can read more about the rules of participation here.

Your work must be written or translated in Slovenian.

The deadline for applications is June 30, 2022.