Obisk predstavnikov oddelka za matematiko iz Univerze v Trstu

V ponedeljek, 11. junija 2012., bo v prostorih Fakultete za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije Univerze na Primorskem, (Glagoljaška 8, 6000 Koper) organiziran obisk predstavnikov oddelka za matematiko iz Univerze v Trstu (
Ob 14. uri bodo v Mali Predavalnici na Famnitu, gosti iz Trsta predstavili svoj oddelek, potem pa bo organiziran matematični seminar. Predavatelj je Prof. Luca Rondi (University of Trieste, Italy).
Vljudno vabljeni.

Title: Inverse problems and free-discontinuity problems: the inverse crack or cavity problem

Abstract: Many techniques developed for free-discontinuity problems, arising for example in imaging or in fracture mechanics, may be successfully applied to reconstruction methods for inverse problems whose unknowns may be characterized by discontinuous functions.
As an example we consider the inverse problem of determining insulating cracks or cavities by performing few electrostatic measurements on the boundary. We show the validity of this approach both from the theoretical point of view, by a convergence analysis, and from the numerical point of view.